About this blog

It is an attempt to imprint my life on the Blog-world (Boologam-in malayalam). Here I have attempted to place each and every seconds of my life in the real world. I feel that I can use this blog to communicate with other similar minded people and to desseminate my knowledge to the far end of the world................

Truly it is Me and My life..........I stand for Peace and Unity of Human Kind...Peace with every kind of matter, living and Non living things...it is an understanding of life, life which is a collective behaviour of the non living things, but in the quantum level it is a self reproductive Quark, which cannot stand alone, that is life.....always together with another...and there is no life when it stands alone...that is growth....growth is life....Yes I like to grow....grow...to the sky...beyond the universe....

Life...this is special...very special....live every moment...enjoy every moment..Stand Unite....Heaven is not in some other part of the universe....it is in you....it is the creation of my mind....and your mind.....Stand unite like a Quark in Quantum level....to make a world of wonderful things...

"There is no single entity in this world, everything is a mixture or a group of something":Feynman

"You will have a beautiful life when you have a beautiful mind to think everything is beautiful.....":Abdul kareem thottoli