Tuesday 29 September, 2009

SHE (Short story)

SHE (Short story)

Scene I

When I got the sense of the surroundings I was sucking her beautiful nipples of her breast. I think she was enjoying it and after a while she has put another nipple on my mouth and I remember I was fully naked and she hugged me in every second. I am sure that she was the first beautiful woman I met in my life and I sucked her breast as I was thirsty. She kissed me a lot on my cheeks and on my head, and I remember the hotness of her eye drop when it fallen on my cheek while she was kissing me. She cared me every second of my life after that day; she lost her slumber many days and she never forgot to clean my body and even nooks also. She was not stoic and worried for every emotions of me. When I saw her sacred breast I remembered my belly and I leaped for that many time. As time passes, I sucked her energy and I found that I was growing but she was getting wrinkled. Even though I found her love on her eyes and on her every movement.

Scene II

When I saw her luscious breast I thought to suck it even when my stomach was full and I thought to devour this Alphonso. I thought she was the most beautiful woman ever I saw. She was stoic when I revealed my love because she wanted to find whether my socials and financial status, color, strength fit for her. After fitting all those trifle demands I was compelled to love her and she nagged me every time. She was annoyed even when she loses her nap and even never combed my hair. I never found a hot eye drop on my cheek while she was kissing but only the marks of her colored lips. She never hugged me every second but to fulfill her pleasure. But, time never waited for our pleasures and I found wrinkles on her skin. The wrinkled skin remembered me that I would not be here without her and I cannot live without her.


Unknown said...

ithu ella oru polappa da

Unknown said...

1 scene ok
2 is not upto the mark...better describe in a poetic way