Thursday 22 May, 2008

A normal day

Today I feel better and good...After a long days of waiting I got the JNMF Scholarship application form today. I was happy that time and which has increased my enthusiasm to work towards the goal of getting a scholarship for my research work. I have burried my head in the literatures to get a start to my rsearch problem.I am working towards constructing a flexible display for PDAs and Laptops using environmentally friendly materials using environmentally benign techinique.
I have expected my guide in lab but she has not come. Instead of my guide, the system administrator came to our lab and checked all the system, because of that they have noticed some unusual things on the server. I was afraid that time, I panicked that whether they find orkut on their vigilance. Orkut has been blocked in our college, eventhough I am using it in our lab by using some proxy servers.

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